Features of emotional states of the persons under investigation
The article presents the results of a study conducted on the basis of Pre-Trial Detention Centre-3 of the Federal Penal Service of Russia in the Vologda region to study the characteristics of the emotional states of persons under investigation who have committed self-serving and violent crimes. The author used the following methods: “Buss - Durkee Hostility Inventory”, “Diagnosis of Anxiety and Depression” by Yu. L. Khanin, “Express Diagnostics of a Personal Tendency to a Decreased Mood” by V. V. Boyko. It is noted that among persons in the pre-trial detention center for committing violent crimes, the level of aggressiveness is above the norm, hostility is more pronounced. The number of subjects with a high level of anxiety is many times greater than the number of respondents with similar indicators in another group. About half of the persons under investigation from the first group showed a high level of depression, in addition, twice as many persons with a low mood were identified as in the second experimental group. For respondents who committed self-serving crimes, the level of aggressiveness is within normal limits, hostility, manifested in the form of suspicion and resentment is absent, and a low level of depression.
Keywords: emotions; emotional sphere; emotional states; aggressiveness; hostility; anxiety; depression mood
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