Psychological support of convicts having health restrictions
The article is devoted to the importance of psychological support for convicts with disabilities. It describes the individual psychological characteristics of convicts with disabilities. The article offers experience of the specialists in the psychological service of the FPS of Russia in the Lipetsk region at psycho correctional program of care for convicts with disabilities.
Keywords: convicted persons with disabilities; psychological support; psychological intervention program.
Researcher of the Research Center on the Problems of the
Execution of Criminal Sanctions and Psychological Support of the Penal System
Staff of the Scientific Research Institute of the Federal Penal Service of Russia;
, e-mail
Senior Inspector for Special Assignments of the
Department for the Organization of the Psychological Work of the Department
of Educational, Social and Psychological Work of the Federal Penal Service of
, e-mail
Senior Specialist of the Correctional Colony-6 of the Federal
Penal Service of Russia in the Lipetsk Region
, e-mail
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