Administrative and legal means of regulation of public service in law enforcement
The article is devoted to the consideration of the nature, content and legal nature of administrative-legal means of regulation of public service in the law enforcement sphere. The specificity of the mechanism of administrative and legal regulation of public service in the law enforcement sphere consists in the normative consolidation of the administrative and legal status of the law enforcement bodies themselves, as well as the administrative and legal status of public servants in the law enforcement sphere, which includes the establishment of rights, duties and responsibilities. In turn the implementation of these statuses is associated with the direct implementation by public servants of law enforcement functions in the field of combating crime, protecting public order, ensuring personal and public safety, implementing decisions on bringing to legal responsibility, as well as internal organizational activities of law enforcement agencies and coordination interaction with other structures of society and the state in solving social problems. Under the administrative and legal means of regulating public service in the law enforcement sphere, we should understand the totality of universal administrative and legal phenomena: administrative legal norms, law enforcement acts, administrative contracts, legal facts, subjective rights and obligations, participants in official legal relations, methods and techniques of state administrative influence, ensuring the effectiveness of public service in law enforcement.
Keywords: administrative and legal regulation; administrative and legal relations; administrative law; public service; law enforcement activities; law enforcement agencies
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