Classification of normative acts regulating the law enforcement activities of special units of institutions and agences performing functions in the field of criminal penalties
The article is devoted to the classification characteristics of normative acts regulating the law enforcement activities of special forces (prison special forces, escort units) of the penal system of the Russian Federation. The organizational and legal regulation (content) of law enforcement activities of special forces is considered. In addition the legal component of the content of the law enforcement activity of the special forces of the penal system of the Russian Federation is co. The object of this article is the scientific classification of legal acts that regulate the law enforcement of the penal special units. The subject matter is the legal acts regulating the activities under review of the units of the penal special forces. In the presented article scientific criteria are fixed that allow to reveal the system of legal acts in the studied area. When writing the article we used the methods of induction, analysis and synthesis, which contributed to the majority of the conclusions drawn in the development of the conceptual apparatus related to the research topic as well as applied methods of comparative analysis and organizational modeling, which also made it possible to differentiate the presented classification of normative acts. The scientific article is determined by the state of previously unexplored issues in the field of normative regulation of the law enforcement activity of employees of special forces units of the penal system. The provisions of the article can be used in the educational process for the purpose of training and advanced training of employees of institutions and agences of the penal system.
Keywords: classification; normative acts; prison special forces; law enforcement activities; legal basis; regulation; institutions and bodies of the penal correction system
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