Features of overcoming the opposition carried out by suspects (accused) at the initial stage of the investigation of distance fraud committed in prisons
The article discusses the features of overcoming opposition in the commission of fraud using mobile means to suspects (accused) in prisons of the Federal Penal Service of Russia. The study is based on the results of interviews as well as analysis of materials of fraud convictions committed using mobile communications. A suspect (accused) who is serving a sentence in correctional facilities or being held in custody in a pre-trial detention center is identified as the main subject of opposition to the investigation of this crime, which is due to the objective and subjective factors of the investigation considered by the authors. The article reveals the specifics of the group of methods of counteracting the investigation in the form of concealment, destruction, disguise, falsification. Based on the results of a study of each method of counteraction, practical recommendations are offered for its neutralization taking into account law enforcement practice. Also the authors have consistently characterized the traces (material, ideal) left by the subjects of the crime committed using the means of communication, their localization and methods of consolidation are described.
Keywords: mobile communications; fraud; penal institutions; convict; suspected; accused; opposition to the investigation; initial stage of the investigation; concealment of a crime
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