Legal regulation of personnel training for penal system of the Russian Federation on educational programs of higher education
With the adoption of the Federal Law of July 19, 2018 No. 197-FZ «On Service in the Penal System of the Russian Federation and on Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation» On Institutions and Bodies Executing Criminal Sentences of Imprisonment», additional legal regulation received preparation issues personnel for the penal system, including in higher education educational programs. The article analyzes the provisions of the federal law in the regulatory system the procedure for obtaining higher education, deficiencies in the legal regulation of this sphere of legal relations have been identified, in particular, it has been established that the provisions of this federal law provide for the reason for termination of the contract for service in the penal system with a student to be expelled from the educational institution of penal correction without taking into account the legal grounds for this expulsion; the guarantees of students and adjuncts, as well as cadets, who entered training in the status of an employee of the penal system, who completed training in educational organizations, are not fixed, providing for the appointment after graduation at equivalent or higher positions; the duty of cadets, students, adjuncts to carry out the life support services of the educational organization of the penal system (service in outfits) is not legally fixed; there are deficiencies in the legal regulation of the training in adjunct studies (there is no normative enshrining of the term “adjunct”; there are no grounds for granting vacation vacations to adjuncts; the requirement is fixed for applicants for admission to the post-graduate studies on the presence of at least 2 years of practical experience in the bodies and institutions of the penal correction system). The authors formulated suggestions for improving the legislation of the Russian Federation on all the above-mentioned problematic issues.
Keywords: service in the penal system; educational organizations of higher education of the penal system; training for the penal system; cadets; trainees; adjuncts
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