Restriction of the suffrage of convicts as a manifestation of political absenteeism in Russia
The article discusses the features of absenteeism in the field of suffrage as a social phenomenon in society. At the same time its types and categories of absenteeists are distinguished. The author comes to the conclusion that forced absenteeists, that is, persons who do not take part in the election process for reasons beyond their control, can include citizens convicted of imprisonment. The legal grounds for restricting the electoral rights of convicts are analyzed, including special attention to the relationship between constitutional norms and the provisions of international legal acts. The case-law of the European Court of Human Rights also seems interesting. The content of the judgments of this court regarding the restriction of the electoral rights of prisoners indicates an unequivocal position regarding the inadmissibility of excessive restriction of these rights. Conclusions are formulated that the issue of restricting the electoral rights of convicts must be resolved consistently, taking into account the category of the crime committed, its type, depending on the object of encroachment (political rights), the form of guilt (intent). A measure in the form of restriction of suffrage should be applied as an additional punishment. To implement this provision appropriate changes to the constitutional and criminal legislation are necessary.
Keywords: penal system; absenteeism; suffrage; restriction of suffrage; international legal acts; convicts
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