Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
The labor and household device of convicts released from places of deprivation of liberty in 1924–1953 (historical and legal analysis)
The article discusses issues related to the labor and household device of convicted persons released from imprisonment places in the Russian Federation in the years 1924- 1953. There are analyzed the causes and conditions of recidivism of persons who have served punishment of deprivation of liberty and its prevention. Based on the analysis of the labor correctional legislation, regulating the labor and household device of convicts, and organization of the activities in the correctional labor institution is given an evaluation of their effectiveness.
Keywords: penal system; the history; the labor device; household appliance; Soviet state; correctional labor policy.
Professor of the Department of Penal Law and Organization of
Educational Work with Convicts of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics
of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, Professor of the Department of Criminal
Law and Criminology of the Moscow regional branch of the Moscow V. Ja. Kikotya
University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Dsc. in Law, Professor;
, e-mail
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Criminal Law and
Criminology of the Moscow regional branch of the Moscow V. Ja. Kikotya
University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, PhD. in Law
, e-mail
1 Sm.: Ob utverzhdenii Ispravitel’no-trudovogo kodeksa
RSFSR : postanovlenie VCIK ot 16.10.1924 g. // SU RSFSR.
1924. № 86. St. 870.
2 Sm.: Polozhenie ob ispravitel’no-trudovyh lagerjah (utv. SNK
SSSR 07.04.1930) // SZ SSSR. 1930. № 22. St. 248.
3 Sm.: GARF. F. 9489. Op. 2. D. 3a. L. 17.
4 Sm.: Tam zhe. D. 25. T. 2. L. 80.
5 Sm.: Tam zhe. L. 375–380.
6 Sm.: Tam zhe. D. 69. T. 1. L. 72.
7 Sm.: Tam zhe. F. R-9414. Op. 2. D. 76. L. 106.
8 Sm.: Tam zhe. F. 9489. Op. 2. D. 114. L. 166–167.
9 Zhilkin M. G. Ponjatie, proishozhdenie, pravovaja priroda
pravopolozhenij i ih rol’ v pravovom regulirovanii // Vestnik
Moskovskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. 2014. № 10. S. 73–78.
RSFSR : postanovlenie VCIK ot 16.10.1924 g. // SU RSFSR.
1924. № 86. St. 870.
2 Sm.: Polozhenie ob ispravitel’no-trudovyh lagerjah (utv. SNK
SSSR 07.04.1930) // SZ SSSR. 1930. № 22. St. 248.
3 Sm.: GARF. F. 9489. Op. 2. D. 3a. L. 17.
4 Sm.: Tam zhe. D. 25. T. 2. L. 80.
5 Sm.: Tam zhe. L. 375–380.
6 Sm.: Tam zhe. D. 69. T. 1. L. 72.
7 Sm.: Tam zhe. F. R-9414. Op. 2. D. 76. L. 106.
8 Sm.: Tam zhe. F. 9489. Op. 2. D. 114. L. 166–167.
9 Zhilkin M. G. Ponjatie, proishozhdenie, pravovaja priroda
pravopolozhenij i ih rol’ v pravovom regulirovanii // Vestnik
Moskovskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. 2014. № 10. S. 73–78.