What is crime
The article demonstrates a new approach to the definition of crime as the sum and totality of crimes constituting crime. Considering crime as part of the culture an analysis of the criminal subculture is presented, its social role is shown. The sociological and psychological approaches to the study of crime, the constant relationship between a free society and crime are noted. The conclusion is formulated that the concept of crime includes both crimes and the persons who committed them. Therefore information about the former should include data on the nature, time, place, method of committing the criminal offense, the number of accomplices, the type of settlement (city, village, etc.) or the transport where it took place. Information about persons must contain information about gender, age, occupation or lack thereof, national and religious affiliation, level of education (primary, incomplete secondary, higher, incomplete higher, secondary special), specialty, criminal record, etc. It emphasizes the need for typology of crimes and criminals for a variety of reasons: the degree of public danger, gender, age, number of convictions, having a family and permanent residence, etc.
Keywords: crime; criminal behavior; amount and totality of crimes; latency; criminal; categorization of crimes
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