The formation of a healthy lifestyle among juvenile prisoners in imprisonment
The painful social phenomena, characteristic of modern Russia, adversely affect the
physical and mental health of persons in prisons with poor health and in need of psychiatric
and drug treatment, treatment of tuberculosis, HIV infection (AIDS), hepatitis and other
The formation of a healthy lifestyle is considered in the context of correction of
convicts as a powerful pedagogical means of optimizing their entire life and activity.
The organization of educational work in this direction helps to improve health in difficult
conditions of serving sentences, the prevention of epidemic diseases, and is also a
beneficial factor for successful and quick adaptation to new circumstances and the
subsequent resocialization of the person at large.
A healthy lifestyle of prisoners in prison means typical forms and methods of daily
life, which strengthen and improve the reserve capabilities of the human body, thereby
ensuring the successful fulfillment of social and professional functions. It is especially
important to implement this area of educational work in relation to persons of minor age
serving their sentences in an educational colony.
The content of educational work with juvenile prisoners on the formation of a healthy
lifestyle includes health education, improving the human body, the formation of a
mechanism of self-education, etc. The main result of educating a value-based attitude
to his health is the activity of a minor convict, his daily behavior aimed at improving and
maintaining health, increasing the body’s defenses, hygienic literacy, the implementation
of medical recommendations and others.
The promotion of a healthy lifestyle in an educational colony is carried out in various
forms, such as educational activities on a healthy lifestyle; training in practical methods of
self-help and mutual assistance; the appropriate use of free time and leisure activities in
the fight against negative habits; introducing other employees and other persons to work
in this direction.
The organization of educational work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle among
juvenile offenders contributes to the development of a value-based attitude towards
health, the development of a positive outlook on health problems, the acquisition of
knowledge in this area and has a positive effect on the choice of one’s own behavior
Keywords: places of imprisonment; educational work; juvenile convicts; healthy lifestyle; value attitude to health; the formation of a healthy lifestyle
Senior Researcher of the ResearchInstitute of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, Dsc. in Pedagogy, Professor.
ORCID 0000-0001-9603-6523
, e-mail
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