Modern forms of prevention suicidal behavior of convicts in the practice of the Public Council at the Federal Penal Service on the problems of the penal system
The article is devoted to the study of modern forms of prevention of suicidal behavior
among convicts used by the Public Council of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia,
taking into account the analysis of the provisions of Russian legislation that defines
the legal framework for the functioning of civil society institutions. A psychological
examination of convicts reveals the presence of destructive neuropsychiatric conditions.
Personal experiences associated with the attitude to one’s existence may change against
the background of age characteristics and temporary indicators of a criminal lifestyle and
the length of the process of serving a sentence. The authors conditionally determine six
phases (periods) of transformation of the life guidelines of the convict: 1) until the crime is
committed; 2) at the time the crime was committed; 3) after the commission of a crime; 4)
prior to the imposition of criminal punishment; 5) in the process of serving a sentence; 6)
after serving the sentence.
The necessity of forming a positive worldview, the development of awareness among
prisoners is emphasized. A penal psychologist should look for available ones and
contribute to the formation of new anti-suicidal factors that form a fairly coherent system
of several components: intense emotional attachment to significant relatives, parental
responsibilities; a pronounced sense of duty, obligation; religious concepts of the sin
of suicide; a clear understanding of social requirements, depending on the opinion of
society; ideas about unused life opportunities; the presence of creative plans, the desire
for self-realization; adherence to aesthetic criteria – unwillingness to look unsightly after
death; fear of causing physical suffering.
According to the author’s opinion of the article the preventive effect on the
suicidal behavior of convicts should be carried out with the involvement of public nongovernmental organizations having world and regional experience in this activity, using a
variety of modern forms of prevention, implementing measures related to the prevention
of cybercrime. The activities of the Public Council of the Federal Penal Service of Russia
in the prevention of suicidal behavior of convicts must be modernized in the direction of
creating reinforced specialized groups with the participation of specialists from various
fields of activity that are directly related to suicidology.
Keywords: convicts; suicides; civil society; behavior; psychological crisis; disorders; prevention
Professor of the Department of State and Law Theory, International and European Law of the Academy of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, Dsc. in Law, Associate Professor.
ORCID 0000-0003-0734-745
, e-mail
Head of the Department of Social Psychology at the Institute of Psychology named after L. S. Vygotsky of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Dsc. in Psychology, Professor.
, e-mail
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