The ideas of conservatism in the methodology of legal psychology and psychotherapy of convicts
The article substantiates the need for a conservative approach to the development of
the theoretical base of the methodology of legal psychology and psychotherapy of convicts in the perspective of traditional ideas about the spiritual essence of man. A philosophical and anthropological analysis of spirituality actualizes the importance of traditional conservative approaches to cognition of the spiritual sphere of man, allowing the
inclusion of theological paradigms and principles in the form of a set of exegetical examples of Holy Scripture and other creations of the Church. The prospects of further studies of the spiritual essence of man on the basis of an interdisciplinary approach, which
involves a dialogue of modern philosophy and scientific psychology with theology in the
context of revealing the essence of traditional views on the concept and achievement of
spirituality, is shown. The soteriological aspect of spirituality in the works of MK K. Mamardashvili is considered, indicating the need for personal efforts in achieving the development of the graceful “beingness” of the soul. The correspondence of the views of
M.K. Mamardashvili on the symbol to the teachings of A.F. Losev and N.A. Berdyaev, which
deny the possibility of comprehending consciousness and the Higher Mind with the help of
words, is revealed. Culture, according to M.K. Mamardashvili, as a certain ability of action
and behavior should remain in conditions of universal incomplete knowledge, which is not
representable and symbolically not designated. Under the reality of the immortality of the
soul, M.K. Mamardashvili understood the reality of the infinite duration of our conscious
life. The works of M.K. Mamardashvili, A.F. Losev, N.A. Berdyaev, and Patriarch Sergiy
Stragorodsky emphasize the importance of personal efforts for the development and attainment of human spirituality. M.K. Mamardashvili understood salvation as a constant
mental effort of a person, the conversion of feelings into a spiritual equivalent and the
liberation of thoughts from cultural objectivities.
The truth of the Orthodox faith is substantiated and the consequences of the loss of
spirituality in the form of the lifetime death of the soul are revealed. The importance of the
further development of the metaparadigm of spirituality for the explication of its role in
the methodology of penitentiary science is postulated. Its ideological conceptual scheme
(model) includes the principle of hierarchy and inconsistency of the basic concept of scientific provisions relevant to the problem, located on the underlying levels.
Keywords: philosophy; methodology; legal psychology; psychotherapy of convicts; conservatism; traditions; metaphysics; symbol; consciousness; culture theology; paradigm; neoliberalism; soul; human spirit; spirituality; destructive spirituality; being; the rescue; repentance; prayer; love; consciousness; mind; cognition; development; immortality; eternity; understanding; inner world; death of the soul; the rescue; soteriology; human; personality the metaparadigm of spirituality; transcendence; hierarchy; apophaticity; epiphany
Deputy Head of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia for Personnel.
, e-mail
Professor of the Department of Legal Psychology and Pedagogy of the Psychological Faculty of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, Dsc. in Medicine, Full Member of the International Academy of Ecology and Life Safety.
, e-mail
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[Multimodal psychotherapy of the association of stress and mental personality disorders in convicts]. Vestnik instituta:
prestuplenie, nakazanie, ispravlenie – Bulletin of the Institute: Crime, Punishment, Correction, 2017, no. 1 (37), pp. 67–71.
(In Russ.).