Patriotism as a social phenomenon and integrative property of the individual
Patriotism is a complex multifaceted social phenomenon. In the last decade the problem of patriotism is regarded by the state in the context of national security of Russia, of importance is the revival of the national patriotic values, increase of social responsibility of citizens, overcoming of the negative phenomena in society. Patriotic ideas occupied a significant place in the works of many Russian enlightners and writers, philosophers, public figures and teachers. The article analyzes the views of scientists on the essence of the concept «patriotism» as an integral part of spiritual and moral orientation of the individual. In pedagogical researches patriotism is viewed as integrative of moral and spiritual feature in the personality structure, where the first place is occupied by moral feelings of responsibility towards the Homeland. Patriotic education is considered as an integral part of a multifaceted and holistic educational process of identity formation and is defined as a purposeful process aimed at the development of patriotic feelings, motives and sustainable norms of behavior, the formation of patriotic knowledge, values, personality features to successful socialization in the course of its inclusion in various activities. The presence of well developed patriotic feelings is an indicator of spiritual and moral formation of the personality, formation of values, attitudes, world outlook. Today on the level of legal and regulatory documents as an essential condition for the success of patriotic education is determined the necessity of the organization of work on preservation and revival of traditional values of national cultures of the Russian Federation. Education and development of patriotic feelings, a personality to the values of culture of the Russian people is one of the conditions for the revival and safekeeping of moral and patriotic foundations of the national character. Highlighting the patriotic education of independent educational work, it is necessary to note its inextricable link with other areas of education: patriotic education permeates, integrates them, is carried out in a holistic educational process.
Keywords: personality in the educational process; patriotism; types of patriotism; patriotic education; national-patriotic values; moral orientations of the person; the value attitude to the Motherland and Fatherland.
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