The relationship between the degree of rationality of attitudes and the sense of happiness of cadets
Abstract The article examines the results of a study of the degree of rationality of attitudes and feelings of happiness on the example of cadets of the departmental institution with the aim of establishing the relationship between them. The study was conducted on the basis of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia. It was attended by 30 cadets of the 2nd year of the Psychology Faculty. The study used the technique of diagnosing the degree of thinking irrationality by A. Ellis and subjective happiness scale by S. Lyubomirsky. As a result of data analysis using mathematical statistics methods, positive correlation relationships were established between such irrational attitudes as self-esteem, appraisal, frustration tolerance and a sense of happiness, as well as between the general degree of rationality of thinking and the subjective sense of happiness in cadets. The received data testify that the degree of rationality of human thinking can be a factor in the formation of subjective self-perception, regulate the emotional sphere of a person and influence the effectiveness of activities. The results of the study underscore the need to correct irrational attitudes of the individual to increase the subjective sense of happiness. The obtained data can be used in the activity of practical psychologists of various branches of psychology
Keywords: rational thinking; irrational thinking; irrational attitudes; rationalemotional-behavioral therapy; cadets of a departmental institution.
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