Social-psychological features of life prospects of delinquent adolescents
Analysis of the results of the empirical study made it possible to reveal the sociopsychological characteristics of the life prospects of delinquent adolescents. For subjects with delinquent behavior a contradictory attitude toward the past, the present and the future is characteristic, the gap between them is expressed. In the course of realizing their life purpose teenagers of this category prefer the performer function. They do not want to take responsibility for events in life, prefer to avoid it. The situational focus on resolving the difficulties encountered in life dominates. Spiritual orientation is weakly expressed. Delinquent adolescents have a low level of awareness of their life’s destinies. This is an unfavorable factor in self-realization. Delinquent adolescents have a low level of realism and consistency of the time perspective. They do not see the difference between the events taking place in their lives, live by one day, plan the future only for the next five years. These teenagers are unnecessarily dreamy. In their perception a negative attitude toward events is prevailing. Studying the life prospects of delinquent adolescents is one of the most important conditions for preventing disadaptation. Helping delinquent adolescents in forming their life prospects will help create the preconditions for the exit of this category of children from the vicious circle of «dysfunctional past and present» - «unfavorable future». Forming life prospects will allow adolescents to prepare better for an independent life in society, social and psychological adaptation and thereby reduce the risks of deviant behavior.
Keywords: socialization; desocialization; socially maladjusted adolescents; socially adapted adolescents; adolescents with delinquent behavior; peculiarities of life prospects of delinquent adolescents.
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