To the issue of professionalization of the legal conscience employee of the Federal Penal Service of Russia
In the course of performing daily duties the employees of the Federal Penal Service of Russia set their own priorities for choosing a certain type of behavior. Legal consciousness includes legal attitudes, orientations, interests, attitudes, which are in correlation with practical activity regulated by official duties. The article touches upon such aspects as the definition of the legal consciousness, its structure, accumulates the theoretical views of researchers of different times, including modern scholars, and offers its own vision of the problem identified in the title. The author examines the topical issues of typology of the legal conscience of the Federal Penal Service of Russia employee, identifies its main elements, features of the professional level of legal consciousness, focuses on the presence of certain problems in the course of reforming the system of the FPL of Russia, the transformation of the general political reality, leans toward the conclusion that the level of legal consciousness that is insufficient should be formed, including through professionalization, from the staff of the penal service. The author substantiates the opinion on the necessity of establishing professional legal consciousness both at the individual and group (corporate) levels in the system. It also affects the assumption that raising the level of legal awareness will form a certain level of legal culture of society as a whole. The mechanisms for regulating legal consciousness include elements of the socializing impact, the realization of the imperious motivation on the part of the state, which are in correlation with the professionalisation of the legal consciousness of the prison officer. The set of decisions taken by persons with professional legal consciousness, in turn, positivizes the transformations in the country and the Federal Penal Service of Russia in particular.
Keywords: group legal consciousness; corporation; competence; responsibility; right; legal reality; legal regulations; legal reference points; professional legal consciousness; lawyer; employee of the Federal Penal Service of Russia.
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