Historical Aspect of Penitentiary Denazification
Yakovets E.N. Historical aspect of penitentiary denazification. Penitentiary Science, 2024, vol. 18, no. 4 (68), pp. 398–410. doi 10.46741/2686-9764.2024.68.4.007
In the article, the author addresses a historical aspect of the issue of penitentiary denazification in the USSR and Russia. The historical experience of penitentiary denazification in the context of the special military operation on the territory of Ukraine is of theoretical and practical interest. Purpose: to describe historical experience of denazification in the conditions of the Soviet correctional labor system of the 1940-1950s. Methods: universal method of cognition – dialectical materialism based on the laws of dialectics; formal logical methods – analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abstraction, analogy; general scientific methods – observation, comparison, description, etc.; private scientific method of historical analogy. Results: the paper provides statistical data and examples that reveal various aspects of penitentiary practice in relation to Ukrainian nationalists. The formation and development of the idea of Ukrainian radical nationalism is analyzed. The material presented in the article can be used in practical activities of modern penitentiary bodies and institutions, in particular, to increase the effectiveness of work with adherents of the radical ideology of Ukrainian nationalism. Conclusion: the modern Russian penal system needs to ensure real denationalization of the neo-Banderites in places of detention. It is also necessary to initiate the creation of a regulatory framework that ensures an effective solution to this issue.
Keywords: Ukrainian radical nationalism; the OUN members; the Banderites; atrocities of Ukrainian nationalists; penal system; clandestine terrorist actions; amnesty; neo-Nazis
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