Prospects for the development of incentive standards and institutions applied to convicts serving sentences in institutions of the penal system
The international rules for the treatment of convicts recommend the provision law and order in institutions which execute sentences be enforced, not only with punitive measures, but also with incentives. Given the insufficient level of development of theoretical knowledge and practical difficulties, the field of legal relations connected with the use of incentive means for convicts in the penal system needs further improvement. For the transition to a consistent, expanded and rational application of these norms and institutions, as well as increasing the effectiveness of the incentive effect on convicts, it is advisable to develop a concept for the development of incentive standards and institutions applied to convicts in institutions of the penal system. The creation of this concept will help to change and supplement existing regulatory and legal acts in the area under consideration. In order to improve the incentive effect, it is advisable to supplement the list of measures with one-time outputs or dismissals of prisoners sentenced to imprisonment outside penal institutions on weekends or holidays for up to 24 hours. This will help strengthen the socially useful ties of the convict. Taking into account the experience of foreign countries, it is necessary to provide for preferential conditions of serving sentences in correctional colonies of general and strict regimes in the domestic penal legislation. It is necessary to translate into these conditions convicts who have served half and two-thirds of the sentence, respectively, and at least six months and nine months, respectively, under facilitated conditions.
Keywords: incentive effect; the concept of development of incentives; reduction of the term of punishment; positive stimulation of law-abiding behavior; preferential conditions of detention; dismissal outside the institution.
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