Features of Child-Parent Relations of Women of Early Adulthood Convicted of Drug Trafficking
Makukh N.O., Polishchuk F.Yu. Features of child-parent relations of women of early adulthood convicted of drug trafficking. Penitentiary Science, 2024, vol. 18, no. 3 (67), pp. 321–328. doi: 10.46741/2686-9764.2024.67.3.011.
the article presents results of the study of characteristics of child-parent relations among women convicted of drug trafficking serving sentences in a correctional facility in their early adulthood. Knowledge of these features is necessary for penitentiary psychologists, since resolution of family crises is the leading task of the period of the greatest sensitivity of convicted women. A positive resolution of the crisis of the appropriate age period is the key to healthy development of the convict’s personality in the future. The study is important for building socio-psychological forecasts, developing psychotherapeutic practice and improving effectiveness of training specialists. Methods: the Parental Attitude Research Instrument by E. Schaefer and R. Bell as adapted by T.V. Neshcheret and the “Kinetic Family Drawing” by R. Burns and S. Kaufman were applied in the empirical study, primary statistics and the nonparametric statistical Mann-Whitney U-test were used as mathematical methods of data processing and analysis. Results: women aged 21–25 convicted of drug trafficking have excessive emotional distance in child-parent relationships, increased optimism and fantasy. In the same category of convicted women, passivity, rigidity and reduced emotional significance prevail in child-parent relationships. Women aged 26–35 convicted of drug trafficking are characterized by a decrease in the severity of features characteristic of the age of early adulthood. They are more characterized by balance, conflict-free attitude, and a desire for an open discussion of family, in particular, child-parent problems. In relation to children, the manifestation of strictness and the desire to develop the child’s activity is less pronounced. Conclusion: in the child-parent relations of women of early and middle maturity convicted of drug trafficking, there are features that should be taken into account when planning and implementing psychological corrective action in correctional facilities and institutions that execute criminal penalties without isolation from society.
Keywords: child-parent relations, convicted of drug trafficking, personality traits of women, early adulthood, middle maturity, periodization of E. Erickson.
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