Attitude of Convicts Addicted to Alcohol to Their Family
Zautorova E.V. Attitude of convicts addicted to alcohol to their family. Penitentiary Science, 2024, vol. 18, no. 2 (66), pp. 204–209. doi 10.46741/2686-9764.2024.66.2.011.
the article considers the attitude of convicts addicted to alcohol to their family. This
category of convicts is a special group in a penitentiary institution, since their individual psychological characteristics are often disharmonious. Therefore, it is important to study the nature of the
interaction of these persons with other convicts, employees of institutions, as well as with their loved
ones and family. Purpose: to identify the specifics of attitude to the family of convicts with alcohol
dependence. Methods: theoretical analysis of literature; method of generalization and comparison;
psychodiagnostic techniques (“Family Environment Scale” by S.Yu. Kupriyanov and “Family Drawing”
by G.V. Huels). Results: it is revealed that convicts with addiction have mental changes with manifestation of strong emotions as a result of withdrawal from reality, which manifests itself in destructive
behavior. This category of convicts is not focused on changing their personality, they have no plans
for self-education, there is no motivation to predict their future. A lack of self-control, violations of
constructive communication and low self-esteem contribute to negative relationships in the family, manifested in a lack of self-esteem, violation of the emotional sphere and causes difficulties in
maintaining long-term and trusting relationships. Conclusion: it is the family that has a strong impact
on the convict’s personality and can contribute either to correction or promote antisocial criminal
behavior. Convicts with alcohol dependence find it difficult to openly express their emotions and
are characterized by conflict and depressive manifestations, unyielding moral views, etc. To work
with this category of persons, it is advisable to use specially developed psychological and pedagogical programs aimed at correcting the distorted family values of the convict, developing skills of
perceiving information and forming skills of establishing psychological contact. The main tasks of
correctional work will be to develop a sense of respect and acceptance of family members, to form a
responsible attitude to family ties and obligations, as well as understanding the need for family and
planning future family relationships to prevent recidivism and establish socially useful connections
with close people and relatives who are waiting for them at large.
Keywords: penitentiary institutions, convicts, convicts addicted to alcohol, family, family relations, interaction in the family, correctional work of a psychologist.
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