On Journalism of the Russian Diaspora
Starodubtsev G.S. On journalism of the Russian diaspora. Penitentiary Science, 2024, vol. 18, no. 2 (66), pp. 118–127. doi 10.46741/2686-9764.2024.66.2.001.
the article analyzes legal journalism of the European and Asian branches of Russian
emigration. The activity of international lawyers in covering international legal events and analyzing
relevant documents is shown. Purpose: to conduct a historical, legal and cultural analysis of scientific
works of Russian emigrants as a socio-cultural phenomenon on the basis of currently available
Russian-language publications, to reveal and highlight crucial aspects of scientific and publishing
activities of international lawyers, which took place in specific conditions of the Russian abroad.
Methods: theoretical methods of formal and dialectical logic, empirical methods of description and
interpretation, textual and formal legal methods, comparative legal, analysis, generalization, and
comparative historical. Results: a significant layer of international legal culture, accumulated by
Russian emigration, is still closed by time and space. It is concluded that the Russian foreign science
of international law has been created due to efforts of emigrant scientists. The conclusion is made
about the inevitability of studying this rare, extremely valuable and prone to disappearing baggage
of knowledge.
Keywords: emigration; foreign Russia; Russian diaspora; international legal diaspora; international law; science of international law; International Court of Justice.
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