Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
Features of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus regulating the legal status of minors serving sentences
The article refers to the implementation of international standards in the legislation
of the Republic of Belarus, which regulates the legal status of minor offenders serving
sentences in an educational colony. The democratization of social processes allowed the
Republic of Belarus to join a number of international agreements relating to human rights
and the situation of convicted minors. Obligatory international standards, covenants,
conventions ratified by the republic are characterized by direct legal effect: they must be
directly applied in legislation. Attention is also paid to the main issues of the execution of
sentences against minor offenders as well as their re-socialization after being released
from the educational colony. The problems of juvenile delinquency as an independent
asocial phenomenon characterized by structure, dynamics and causes are analyzed. A
criminological study is presented, which made it possible to single out circumstances
that negatively affect the spiritual and moral education of a teenager, comlicating his
physiological development and thereby leading to the commission of a crime.
Keywords: juvenile delinquency; educational colony; criminalization of the personality of a minor; serving sentences by minor delinquents; preventive measures for minor delinquency; social adaptation
Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines of the Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus, PhD. in Law.
, e-mail
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kand. yurid. nauk [Prevention of the formation and criminalization of the identity of a minor offender. Author’s abstract of the
diss. PhD. in Law]. Minsk, 2016 24 p. (In Russ.).