Modern Penitentiary Systems: Problems of Understanding, Classification, Functioning (Reviewing Speeches of Participants of the Interregional Round Table “Modern Penitentiary Systems”, Vologda, VILE of the FPS of Russia, October 28, 2023)
Romashov R.A., Svinin E.V., Kirilovskaya N.N. Modern penitentiary systems: problems of understanding, classification, functioning (reviewing speeches of participants of the Interregional round table “Modern Penitentiary Systems”, Vologda, VILE of the FPS of Russia, October 28, 2023). Penitentiary Science, 2024, vol. 18, no. 1 (65), pp. 13–20. doi 10.46741/2686-9764.2024.65.1.002.
The published review based on results of the interregional round table “Modern Penitentiary Systems: Problems of Understanding, Classification, Functioning” held on October 28, 2023 at the VILE
of the FPS of Russia is prepared to summarize key ideas of the speakers’ reports on theoretical,
legal and applied issues of the functioning of various penitentiary systems. Theoretical issues of the
concept and essence of the penitentiary system are considered. Attention is focused on features of
theoretical modeling and practical implementation of the penitentiary system as a polysymic phenomenon, represented by models of the regulatory system, the system of national legislation and the
national legal system. The objectives and value priorities underlying the formation and functioning
of the Russian penitentiary system are outlined. Historical features and patterns of its formation, development, and modernization are analyzed. The necessity to distinguish three modal constructions
of the penitentiary system is substantiated. Practical recommendations to optimize structuring and
functioning of territorial divisions and educational institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of
the Russian Federation are formulated in order to strengthen their effectiveness in humanizing the
penal system and provide it with qualified professional personnel.
Keywords: law system; penitentiary law; penitentiary systems; legal culture; penitentiary legal relations; penitentiary law and order.
[The court found it illegal to hold a meeting between a public defender and a defendant in a pre-trial detention center
through a partition]. Available at: (accessed December 1, 2023).
2. Ob utverzhdenii Pravil vnutrennego rasporyadka sledstvennykh izolyatorov ugolovno-ispolnitel’noi sistemy, Pravil
vnutrennego rasporyadka ispravitel’nykh uchrezhdenii i Pravil vnutrennego rasporyadka ispravitel’nykh tsentrov ugolovnoispolnitel’noi sistemy: prikaz Minyusta Rossii ot 04.07.2022 No. 110 [On approval of the Internal Regulations of pre-trial
detention centers of the penal system, the Internal Regulations of correctional institutions and the Internal Regulations of
correctional centers of the penal system: Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 110 of July 4, 2022.
Available at: (accessed December 1, 2023).