Personal Characteristics of Convicted Men with Demonstrative Blackmail Behavior
Kuznetsova D.A. Personal characteristics of convicted men with demonstrative blackmail behavior. Penitentiary Science, 2024, vol. 18, no. 1 (65), pp. 94–101. doi 10.46741/2686- 9764.2024.65.1.011
Introduction: the article analyzes results of the study of personal convicts with demonstrative
blackmail behavior and proposes recommendations for working with this category. Purpose: based
on the data, to describe characteristics of convicts with demonstrative blackmail behavior and
formulate on their basis key directions of correction activities. Methods: analysis of literary sources,
diagnostic (survey), methods of mathematical data processing. Results: convicts with demonstrative
blackmail behavior, in comparison with convicts who are not on preventive registration, have a more
pronounced negative orientation, are capable of deception, prone to violating established rules,
capable of aggression both against themselves and the environment, more prone to manipulating
other people. Having a reduced ability to self-regulation and self-control, convicts with demonstrative blackmail behavior are prone to impulsive actions in stressful situations, thoughtless actions.
Conclusion: the identified personal characteristics of convicts with demonstrative blackmail behavior should be taken into account both when organizing psychological work with them and when organizing interaction with all employees of the institution.
Keywords: demonstrative blackmail behavior; convicted men; personality traits; demonstrative suicide.
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