Criminal Registration in the Service of the Penitentiary System
Yakovets E.N. Criminal registration in the service of the penitentiary system. Penitentiary Science, 2023, vol. 17, no. 4 (64), pp. 398–408. doi 10.46741/2686-9764.2023.64.4.007
the article deals with problems of information and analytical support of law enforcement intelligence operations conducted by bodies and institutions of the penal system, considered in dissertations defended in dissertation councils at educational and scientific organizations of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. Specific attention is paid to the use of personal biometric data of persons held in places of deprivation of liberty. The author analyzes a fairly long historical retrospective of the use of criminal registration in penitentiary practice. This work is evaluated from the point of view of obtaining results of law enforcement intelligence operations and is positioned as an informational basis for operational investigative identification. The legal basis of modern criminal registration in the penal system is evaluated. The author also considers modern hardware and software complexes designed for personal identification, as well as issues of interaction between the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia and other departments, primarily internal affairs bodies, in addressing these issues. Purpose: based on a retrospective analysis of the essence and content of criminal registration in the penal system, to make a conclusion about prospects for its development in the modern period and foreseeable future. Methods: universal method of cognition – dialectical materialism based on the laws of dialectics; formal logical methods – analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abstraction, analogy; general scientific methods – observation, comparison, description, etc.; and private scientific method of historical analogy. Results: the analysis of the criminal registration development in the penitentiary system shows that further improvement of this area of information support for operational investigative activities is associated with the use of modern hardware and software and the establishment of close interdepartmental interaction. Conclusions: the modern Russian penal system needs to ensure further development of criminal registration, taking into account the experience gained in this area by other law enforcement agencies and special services, including foreign ones. It is also necessary to initiate the adoption of normative legal acts regulating interdepartmental interaction in the field under consideration.
Keywords: penal system; criminal registration; penitentiary legislation; personal biometric data; operational search identification; interdepartmental interaction.
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