On the issue of the spread of extremism in prisons
istorically this kind of action was used by criminals as an illegal means of solving social, economic and political contradictions. The urgency of the problem of extremism spread in the Russian Federation is beyond doubt. In particular the extremist ideology undermines the foundations of the constitutional system, denying ethnic and religious diversity, leads to the violation of human rights, threatens the stable coexistence of nations and social groups in society, the establishment and development of democratic values. The law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation are conducting widespread and purposeful work to solve crimes of the extremist nature and terrorist orientation, which leads to an increase in the number of persons convicted of such crimes. In addition often convicts who adhere to extremist ideology serve their sentences in penal correction institutions, but those convicts under articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation that are not related to extremism and terrorism. When entering penal institutions these convicts often try to spread their ideology, which can destabilize the normal activity of the institutions of the penal system and, most importantly, bring new adherents of extremism into society.
Keywords: imprisonment; a convict; extremism; correctional institutions; religion.
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