Describing Legal Regulation of the Resocialization Process of Convicted Minors
Samokhvalov I.Yu., Santashov A.L. Describing legal regulation of the resocialization process of convicted minors. Penitentiary Science, 2023, vol. 17, no. 2 (62), pp. 163–174. doi: 10.46741/26869764.2023.62.2.006
The article considers the current situation of punishment execution in juvenile correctional facilities, from the moment of arrival of the convicted person to the date of his/her release on the example of a specific institution. Purpose: to study aspects of the educational impact in the process of punishment execution aimed at subsequent social adaptation and resocialization of convicts after release. Methods: general scientific (analysis, synthesis, induction, etc.), private scientific and special methods of cognition (comparative legal, formal legal, statistical). Results: having assessed activities of a specific juvenile correctional facility in the field of law enforcement of the current legislation provisions regulating the educational impact on convicts to prevent recidivism, the authors found out the following: further social adaptation outside the correctional institution is necessary, carried out by a specially created state body with broad social rehabilitation powers, implemented with the coordination and interaction of interested state structures. Conclusions: convict’s successful reintegration into society and renunciation of criminal activity is possible with the use of all available means and methods of impact, including training and unconditional submission to the detention regime during forced isolation, as well as minor’s acceptance of social and life values and positive socially useful attitudes through social adaptation and resocialization carried out outside places of deprivation of liberty.
Keywords: Juvenile correctional facility; resocialization; social adaptation; penitentiary adaptive; law-abiding behavior; criminal subculture; post-penitentiary adaptation; premises functioning as a pre-trial detention center
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