Prejudice against Psychology as a Factor in Increasing Extremity of the Service and Maladaptation of Penal System Employees
Suslov Yu.E., Kulakova S.V. Prejudice against psychology as a factor in increasing extremity of the service and maladaptation of penal system employees. Penitentiary Science, 2023, vol. 17, no. 1 (61), pp. 98–104. doi: 10.46741/2686-9764.2023.61.1.011
In the article, the authors consider the problem of prejudice against psychology and its creative possibilities on the part of the staff of penitentiary institutions. Purpose: based on the generalization of theoretical materials and analysis of the practice of activity in penitentiary institutions to show that in conditions of constant impact of quantitative and qualitative factors of penitentiary activity on the personality of employees, they should be ready for aggressive actions of inmates. Without professional psychological assistance, employees’ adaptation process and behavior in extreme situations can be affected and risks of developing professional destructions can be created. Results: the attitude to uncertainty is considered by the authors as a personality trait underlying adaptation processes and processes to perceive extreme conditions of work. Having considered specific professional activity of penitentiary system employees, the authors show how the problem of prejudice against psychology increases extremity of service and what subsequent negative consequences can be, in particular in the adaptation period. Conclusions: the similarity of the processes of adapting to service activities and extreme conditions is shown, and the emphasis is also placed on the need to work with prejudice against psychological support of employees’ activities.
Keywords: Adaptation; readiness; penal system; extremity; extreme situations; psychological support; attitude to uncertainty
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