Assessing Radicalization Risks in the Adolescent and Youth Environment
Bovin B.G., Dvoryanchikov N.V., Mel’nikova D.V., Bovina I.B. Assessing radicalization risks in the adolescent and youth environment. Penitentiary Science, 2023, vol. 17, no. 1 (61), pp. 89–97. doi: 10.46741/2686-9764.2023.61.1.010
Representatives of socio-psychological science focus their attention on the problem of radicalization due to the social demand to prevent this phenomenon in the adolescent and youth environment. The development of tools for assessing radicalization risks is a very important tool for early diagnosis. Purpose: theoretical and analytical research to critically analyze current models for assessing radicalization risks. Results: considerable attention is paid to the analysis of tools for assessing radicalization risks, used in penitentiary systems of different countries. In addition, risk assessment models in a wider population are discussed. Conclusion: the conducted study shows that it is necessary to consider the radicalization process through the prism of such a theoretical tradition that would be adequate to the study of the phenomenon itself (radicalization, being a process of terrorism legitimization, is understood as a phenomenon occurring in a group context). In addition, the model for assessing radicalization risks should be based on a theoretical tradition that would receive a solid experimental test.
Keywords: Terrorism; radicalization; risk assessment; radicalization risk assessment models; adolescent and youth environment; explanation levels in social psychology; social identity
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