Enhancing the Penal Legislation in Modern Conditions: Key Factors and Directions
Seliverstov V.I. Enhancing the penal legislation in modern conditions: key factors and directions. Penitentiary Science, 2023, vol. 17, no. 1 (61), pp. 19–29. doi: 10.46741/2686-9764.2023.61.1.003
The modern Russian reality has changed correlation between the factors determining the penal legislation improvement. In the period from the adoption of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation until the beginning of 2022, this process was carried out under the priority influence of foreign policy factors, consisting in the need to maintain interstate cooperation at the proper level and comply with international, primarily European standards for the treatment of convicts. The termination of Russia’s membership in the Council of Europe has led to the leveling of the influence of international standards for treating convicts on the penal legislation. With the weakening of the foreign policy factor in modern conditions, the importance of economic factors that hinder full-scale codification of the penal legislation and adoption of the new Penal Code of the Russian Federation increases. The purpose of this article is to determine relevant directions for the penal legislation enhancement in modern conditions in Russia. Methods: a factual analysis helps consider political, economic, social and spiritual conditions or factors prevailing in the state and society. Conclusions: taking into account the changed influence of various factors, the author contemplates directions for improving the penal legislation, including regulation of public relations related to the adopted Probation law in the Russian Federation, convicts’ fulfillment of the constitutional duty to protect the Fatherland, establishment of additional guarantees for protecting the rights and legitimate interests of convicts. The task of eliminating gaps, contradictions and errors in the penal legislation is also discussed.
Keywords: Convict; codification; factors; penal legislation; international standards; guarantees of the rights of convicts; probation; lawyer; visits to institutions and bodies executing sentences; participation of convicts in the special military operation
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