Building Effective Communication with Persons Convicted of Terrorism and Extremism-Related Crimes
Kazberov P.N. Building effective communication with persons convicted of terrorism and extremism-related crimes. Penitentiary Science, 2022, vol. 16, no. 4 (60). pp. 434– 440. doi: 10.46741/26869764.2022.60.4.010.
Introduction: the article is devoted to the analysis of ways and conditions for building effective communication with persons convicted of terrorism and extremism-related crimes. Purpose: based on the generalization of theoretical materials, normative legal and organizational methodological literature and the results of studying the practice of interaction between penitentiary psychologists and this category of convicts, to show the prospects of using an algorithm to identify the main deterrent and provoking factors of destructive behavior of persons convicted for terrorism and extremism when determining their re-socialization program. Methods: comparative legal, empirical methods of description, interpretation; theoretical methods of formal and dialectical logic. Results: the analysis of organizational and legal aspects and law enforcement practice has shown that the available methods and techniques of psychodiagnostic and psychocorrective work are used by practitioners without taking into account the diversity of individual and personal characteristics of this category of convicts. Effective resocialization of convicts for extremism and terrorism-related crimes from the moment they are quarantined in a correctional institution requires that the psychologist together with the convict construct a common semantic space, maintain and transform it. Conclusions: building effective communication with a person convicted of terrorism and extremism-related crimes in order to conduct psychodiagnostic and psychocorrectional work, it is necessary to use an algorithm to identify deterrent and provoking factors of destructive behavior with the exclusion of formal attitudes, taking into account the main difficulties and typical mistakes in working with this category of persons.
Keywords: convicts; extremism and terrorism-related crimes; psychologist; penitentiary system; psychocorrection; algorithm; resocialization.
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