Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
On the experience of organizing zonal control over the inquiry units of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the district level
One of the varieties of departmental control in the system of internal affairs bodies
is zone control, which is also carried out in separate units of the territorial bodies of the
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the subjects of the Russian Federation. Thus, by
order of the head of the organization of the inquiry department of the Ministry of Internal
Affairs of Russia for the Vologda Region six inquiry officers of the zone control department
were assigned to five operational zones.
The study of experience in this area indicates the presence of problems in the
implementation of this type of control. In order to solve them the Inquiry Department of
the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Vologda Region has been implementing
the project “Automated workplace of the inquiry officer” since 2018. As a result there is
a saving time spent by inquiry officers on the preparation of procedural documents, a
decrease in the number of technical errors in the preparation of the indictment. The zonal
control performers have the opportunity to remotely control the production of inquiries
in criminal cases being conducted by inquiry officers of the territorial internal affairs
bodies, to study online criminal cases in the interrogation proceedings without requesting
documents and without distracting the inquiry officers from work.
Keywords: zone control; inquiry; internal affairs bodies; territorial bodies; information and technical support; automated workplace
A ssociate P rofessor o f t he D epartment of Administrative Law Disciplines of the Law Faculty of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, PhD. in Law, Associate Professor.
, e-mail
Head of the Inquiry Department of the Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Vologda Region.
, e-mail
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