Criminal Subculture Influence on Criminal Behavior of Those Sentenced to Forced Labor
Dvoryanskov I.V., Sika A.M. Criminal subculture influence on criminal behavior of those sentenced to forced labor. Penitentiary Science, 2022, vol. 16, no. 4 (60), pp. 372–379. doi: 10.46741/2686-9764.2022.60.4.003.
Introduction: the article is devoted to the study of an important scientific problem – the influence of criminal subculture on criminal behavior of those sentenced to forced labor. The modern state of criminality among the specified category of persons and problems of its prevention are considered. A criminal (prison) subculture as an essential criminogenic factor is studied. Purpose: to study the use of criminal punishment in the form of forced labor for identifying organizational problems, including with prevention of crimes of persons sentenced to this punishment. Methods: the research is based on the dialectical approach to the study of social processes and phenomena. The following methods, traditional for penal law and criminology sciences, are used: analysis and synthesis; comparative legal; formal legal; sociological. Results: commission of crimes by those sentenced to forced labor is largely due, on the one hand, to insufficiently established legal and organizational mechanisms of preventive work with such a contingent. On the other hand, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of its composition: a significant part of the special contingent registered with the correctional center consists of persons transferred from correctional institutions of various regime types, including for committing grave and especially grave crimes, under Article 80 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (commutation of punishment). It is this category of convicts who disseminate a criminal (prison) subculture that they got into in places of imprisonment. According to results of the sociological research, crimes in correctional centers are mainly committed by such convicts. Conclusions: the authors come to a number of conclusions. Criminological aspects of the criminal (prison) subculture influence on the criminality of those sentenced to forced labor, both on the territory of correctional centers (areas of correctional centers, areas functioning as correctional centers) and beyond, their causes and related factors are analyzed. Forms and methods of countering the spread of the criminal (prison) subculture, preventive work with convicts to forced labor, are studied. Theoretical approaches and specific preventive measures are developed. Proposals of a theoretical, practical and legislative nature with scientific novelty are formulated, aimed at improving prevention of crimes committed by those sentenced to forced labor.
Keywords: forced labor; correctional centers; isolated areas functioning as correctional centers; convicts; criminal (prison) subculture, crime prevention; preventive activities.
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