Key Forms of Scientific Penitentiary and Pedagogical Knowledge
Panova O. B. Key forms of scientific penitentiary and pedagogical knowledge. Penitentiary Science, 2022, vol. 16, no. 3 (59), pp. 327–342. doi: 10.46741/2686-9764.2022.59.3.011
Introduction: the article is devoted to substantiating the expediency of formalizing scientific penitentiary and pedagogical knowledge, taking into account the information accumulated in this field and penitentiary pedagogy tasks; presenting a scientific view on the systematization of key forms of penitentiary and pedagogical knowledge and considering their basic parameters. Purpose: to present and characterize modern penitentiary and pedagogical knowledge as a formalized structure based on certain standard approaches that are designed to provide clarity and uniformity in the perception of key aspects of penitentiarypedagogical reality in the scientific community, among practitioners and public figures. Methods: comparative historical analysis, monographic, structural analysis, logical generalization, etc. Results: during theoretical analysis of the literature reflecting priority achievements of penitentiary pedagogy and the established approaches to structuring scientific information, key forms of scientific penitentiary and pedagogical knowledge in the aspect of modern trends in the development of the penal system were presented and characterized. Pedagogical terms, patterns, principles, conditions, models, concepts and theories were considered as the main forms. Characteristics of these forms included basic features, penitentiary specifics, criteria of effectiveness and prospects for further development. These forms were supported by examples that made it possible to concretize each of them. The prospects to further elaborate the problem of formalization of penitentiary and pedagogical knowledge are determined.
Keywords: Scientific penitentiary and pedagogical knowledge; pedagogical terms; patterns; principles; conditions; models; concepts; theories
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