The illegal influence on the results of contests and tenders as an offence against freedom of competition: errors of criminalization and legislative technology
Russian criminal legislation provides for a number of specific rules on crimes in the sphere of economic activity. The peculiarity of these encroachments lies in the fact that they represent various variants of violation of the freedom of competition of economic entities. One of such crimes is the provision of unlawful influence on the result of an official sports competition or a spectacular commercial tender provided for in Art. 184 of the Criminal Code of Russia. The legal analysis of the content of this law rule allows us to state that the type of encroachment it provides can not violate those economic relations that are officially declared as an object of criminal legal protection. Organization, holding and participating in an official sports competition or entertainment commercial tender is an activity regulated primarily by labor law standards. It is fundamentally different from the entrepreneurial activity, which excludes the possibility of receiving monetary compensation by an economic entity, regardless of the results achieved. In addition the disposition of Article 184 of the Russian Criminal Code contains a significant number of violations of the rules of legislative technology, as a result of which it is impossible to bring a person to criminal responsibility for the commission of appropriate actions. For these reasons it is wise to exclude Article 184 from the Criminal Code. This will make it possible to clarify the list of crimes types that truly violate relations in the field of protecting freedom of competition and to develop a set of measures aimed at their effective prevention. The exclusion of this rule will not create a gap in the criminal legislation. The unlawful influence on the results of various contests and tenders under certain conditions can be recognized as commercial bribery or mediation in its commission. Responsibility for these crimes is successfully implemented in accordance with Articles 204 and 204.1 of the Criminal Code of Russia.
Keywords: economic crime; freedom of competition; object of crime; economic entity; official sports competition; entertaining commercial tender; corruption crime.
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