Criminal Legal Impact: Features, Forms, and Issues of Implementation
Barkhatova E. N. Criminal legal impact: features, forms, issues of implementation. Penitentiary Science, 2022, vol. 16, no. 3 (59), рр. 254–262. doi: 10.46741/2686-9764.2022.59.3.003
Introduction: the article reveals the essence of the criminal legal impact, analyzes its forms, and examines mechanisms for implementing certain forms of the criminal legal impact. Attention is focused on the specifics of regulating the mechanism to implement criminal law measures in the Penal Law Code of the Russian Federation. Problems of scientific and legislative definition of certain forms of the criminal legal impact, as well as criminal liability are touched upon. The author comes to the conclusion about the need to improve the legislative regulation of certain forms of the criminal legal impact and the mechanism for their realization, as well as the necessity to adjust forms of the criminal legal impact. Purpose: resolution of certain issues to regulate the mechanism for implementing various forms of the criminal legal impact. Methods: the author uses a general scientific dialectical method of cognition to consider the essence of phenomena, an analysis method to identify key problems arising in the legislative regulation of the criminal legal impact, a synthesis method to form the author’s position on the identified problems and work out a mechanism for their possible solution. Results: modern forms of the criminal legal impact, enshrined in the criminal law, and approaches to understanding the criminal legal impact and its implementation raise questions due to the generally recognized point of view in the science of criminal law regarding the beginning and end of criminal liability and the approach to its understanding. Some forms of the criminal legal influence seem ineffective and require adjustments. The legislative regulation of the mechanism for implementing the criminal legal impact needs to be revised due to the inconsistency of its current state with the requirements for codifying norms of one branch of law. Conclusions: it seems necessary to correct forms of criminal legal influence defined in the criminal law, determining what should be attributed to such, guided by the goals and objectives pursued by it. In addition, it is advisable to revise the penal legislation system that does not meet codification requirements and does not fully reflect the specifics of penal law.
Keywords: Criminal legal impact, criminal liability, penal law, educational impact, judicial fine, punishment, post-penitentiary impact
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