Factors Affecting Safe Conditions for Serving Sentences in Economic Maintenance Units of Pre-Trial Detention Facilities
Golubtsova A. I. Factors affecting safe conditions for serving sentences in economic maintenance units of pre-trial detention facilities. Penitentiary Science, 2022, vol. 16, no. 3 (59), рp. 245–253. doi: 10.46741/2686-9764.2022.59.3.002
Introduction: deprivation of liberty in the domestic criminal and penal law is the most severe form of punishment for persons who have committed crimes. Institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service face the task to correct convicts. Formation of law-abiding behavior and respect for generally recognized norms and rules of human community in convicts, restoration and maintenance of social ties is impossible without implementation of state policy aimed at ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, including in places of forced detention. Pre-trial detention centers perform functions of a correctional institution in relation to a number of convicts. The special mode of functioning of pre-trial detention centers imposes certain difficulties on the process of serving and executing sentences. The article considers factors affecting the security of convicts serving sentences in pre-trial detention facilities of the penal system. Purpose: to study various theoretical approaches to classifying factors and their impact on the process of execution and serving of punishment, as well as identify key threats to convicts’ vital interests. Methods: the methodological basis of this study is a set of methods of scientific cognition, among which the main place is occupied by questionnaires and statistical analysis. Results: based on the analysis carried out, the author makes a conclusion about crucial factors affecting safe conditions of serving sentences by convicts of the economic maintenance unit of pre-trial detention centers of the penal system. Conclusions: the author emphasizes the need for constant state control over the penal policy implementation in the field of ensuring safety of persons deprived of liberty, as well as continuation of scientific and law enforcement activities to protect the vital interests of those sentenced to imprisonment.
Keywords: Safety factors; convicts’ safety; serving of sentence; sociopsychological climate
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