Data on the Injured Convict: Following Results of the Investigation of Crimes Related to Intentional Infliction of Harm to Life and Health Committed in Places of Deprivation of Liberty
Shurukhnov N.G., Dechkin O.M. Data on the injured convict: following results of the investigation of crimes related to intentional infliction of harm to life and health committed in places of deprivation of liberty. Penitentiary Science, 2022, vol. 16, no. 2 (58), pp. 185–193. doi: 10.46741/2686-9764.2022.58.2.008.
introduction: the article presents data on the injured convict following investigation of crimes of intentional infliction of harm to life and health committed in places of deprivation of liberty. Purpose: based on analysis and generalization of theoretical and practical data, the attempt is made to form a typical portrait of the victim of intentional harm to life and health committed in places of deprivation of liberty. Methods: dialectical method of cognition, general scientific methods of analysis and generalization, empirical methods of description, interpretation, theoretical methods of formal and dialectical logic. Results: the article makes a brief historical digression in order to compare legal norms of the 1864 Statute of Criminal Proceedings, which regulated certain provisions constituting the legal status of the victim, with norms of modern legislation. The main attention is focused on crimes causing intentional harm to life and health committed in places of deprivation of liberty, their causes and commission conditions. The data of official statistics are given. The authors consider victimhood of victims, who are divided into three main groups depending on their behavior (negative, positive and neutral) during the period of serving the sentence. The specifics of each group are revealed. Conclusions: based on the available research, the authors present a typical portrait of the victim as a result of infliction of intentional harm to life and health committed in places of deprivation of liberty.
Keywords: intentional infliction of harm to life and health; investigation; victim; convict; place of imprisonment; causes; factors; data; forensic characteristics.
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