Distinctive Features of Resuming Criminal Proceedings due to New or Newly-Revealed Circumstances
Shatalov A.S. Distinctive features of resuming criminal proceedings due to new or newly-revealed circumstances. Penitentiary Science, 2022, vol. 16, no. 2 (58), pp. 166–175. doi:10.46741/2686-9764.2022.58.2.006.
Introduction: the article comprehensively examines a procedural mechanism for resuming criminal proceedings due to new or newly-revealed circumstances, specifically designed to ensure justness of judicial decisions. It is applicable in cases when, after the entry into force of a verdict, ruling or court decision on a once-resolved criminal case, certain circumstances become apparent that, for various reasons, have not been known to the court. Moreover, legal significance of these circumstances is so high that it allows the interested party to question legality, validity and fairness of a court decision that has already entered into force. In such cases a verdict, ruling or court order may be canceled, the criminal proceedings resumed due to new or newly-revealed circumstances, and any decisions of all judicial instances without exception that have entered into legal force can be reviewed. Purpose: to analyze the practice of applying the procedural institution of resuming criminal proceedings in view of new or newly-revealed circumstances and formulate proposals for improving the implementation of opportunities to protect the rights and legitimate interests of participants in the process. Methods: theoretical analysis and evaluation of the practical implementation of the institute of resumption of criminal proceedings in view of new or newly-revealed circumstances, based on generalizations of judicial practice and doctrinal studies of Russian scientists. Conclusions: having studied distinctive features of this proceeding, the author comes to the conclusion that the criminal proceedings in view of new or newly-revealed circumstances cannot be resumed in case of judicial errors, including those confirmed by additional evidence proving innocence or the lesser guilt of the convicted person revealed after the decision has become enforceable. The court’s unawareness during ordinary consideration of the criminal case is the main distinguishing feature of resuming proceedings due to new or newly-revealed circumstances. It determines the specifics of these criminal proceedings and actualizes the question of optimizing the structure of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation, through a clear separation of this procedural mechanism from other proceedings aimed at reviewing court decisions.
Keywords: newly-revealed circumstances; resumption of criminal proceedings; conclusion of the prosecutor; new circumstances; revision of judicial acts; right to judicial protection; criminal proceedings.
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