Prospects for Digitalization of Sentencing and Execution of Punishment
Sargsyan A.A. Prospects for digitalization of sentencing and execution of punishment. Penitentiary Science, vol. 16, no. 2 (58), pp. 146–152. doi: 10.46741/2686-9764.2022.58.2.003.
Introduction: the article is devoted to the study of issues related to the seemingly inevitable process of digital transformation of both criminal sentencing and its execution, the need for which is pushed by both consistently adopted relevant national and international legal acts and positive foreign practice. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the need to introduce capabilities of artificial intelligence as the most important tool for crime prevention, improve effectiveness of the execution of sentences, as well as discuss feasibility and readiness of modern reality for actual replacement of judges with artificial intelligence in sentencing. Methods: comparative legal, empirical methods of description, interpretation; theoretical methods of formal and dialectical logic; private scientific methods: legal-dogmatic and method of interpretation of legal norms. Conclusions: generalization of scientific stances and consideration of foreign practice allows us to conclude that, in our opinion, there is currently no urgent need to use artificial intelligence in sentencing. The arguments regarding expediency of such a decision in terms of limiting judicial discretion do not seem so convincing in order to abandon the human factor in sentencing. It seems advisable to further improve the legislation regarding the rules of sentencing and develop a more formalized approach. At the same time, we find positive the subsequent development of the penal policy focused on active introduction of artificial intelligence capabilities as an effective means of predicting criminal behavior, profiling (modeling) the personality of the criminal, identifying his/her distinctive features in order to further prevent crime.
Keywords: digitalization; punishment; artificial intelligence; prevention; sentencing; correctional institutions; Internet.
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