Probation in the Russian Federation: Some Problems of the Content and Legal Regulation
Golodov P.V. Probation in the Russian Federation: some problems of the content and legal regulation. Penitentiary Science, 2022, vol. 16, no. 2 (58). pp. 194–203. doi 10.46741/2686-9764.2022.58.2.009.
Introduction: the article discusses some issues of regulatory support for creating a probation system in the Russian Federation, aimed at resocialization, social adaptation and rehabilitation of convicts and persons released from places of deprivation of liberty. Purpose: based on the analysis of the content of the draft law on probation submitted for public discussion, to identify current legal problems in this direction and propose measures to solve them. Methods: formal-logical, systemstructural and comparative-legal methods are used in the course of the study. Results: the following legal problems are identified: the framework nature of the draft law, abstractness of the content of its individual norms, inconsistency of the legal content of probation and its individual types (directions), insufficiency of specific legal mechanisms to assist convicts and persons released from places of deprivation of liberty in social adaptation and rehabilitation. To further improve the legal framework of probation in the Russian Federation the author developed the following proposals: specifying powers and mechanisms of interaction of probation subjects, content of probation procedures and measures; strengthening legal regulation of the preventive direction of probation; introducing reconciliation (mediation) procedures with the victim (pre-trial probation); determining the place of public control in the field of probation; creating a single body in the system of state and municipal structures to which probation functions would be assigned; ensuring proper parity of social rights of convicts and persons released from prison with those of other categories of citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation. Conclusions: elaboration of the draft law on probation has become an important stage in the development and humanization of domestic legislation; its adoption and subsequent implementation will form a fundamentally new system of work with convicts and persons released from prison, providing for widespread application of social rehabilitation and preventive measures to them, which, in turn, will have a positive impact on the level of their socialization and the state of recessive crime in the country.
Keywords: criminal policy; probation; alternative punishments; resocialization of convicts; social adaptation; social rehabilitation; crime prevention.
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