Introduction to Ethnocriminology
Antonyan Yu.M. Introduction to Ethnocriminology. Penitentiary Science, 2022, vol. 16, no. 2 (58), pp. 153–160. doi: 10.46741/2686-9764.2022.58.2.004.
Introduction: the article considers crime from ethno-religious perspectives and in the context of interethnic conflicts, pays special attention to extremism and terrorism, and identifies critical features of these phenomena. The author emphasizes that extremism and nationalism in politics can put humanity on the brink of disaster. Task: to draw attention to insufficient study of crimes of an ethnic and ethno-religious nature, substantiate the need for criminological ethnological research aimed at developing new general theoretical approaches to understanding crime, its causes and measures to combat it. Methods: the axiological approach is a methodological basis of this research. To solve the research problem, general philosophical principles of dialectics and special methods of cognition, such as systematic, formal legal, sociological, etc., are used. Results: the author considers problems of fanaticism in ethnic and ethno-religious groups and emphasizes its particular danger. It is noted that it is fundamentally wrong to assert that there is a civilization that is at enmity with the rest of the world, since civilization includes not only a religious component. Conclusions: the state can successfully resist nationalism and ethno-religious fanaticism; in countries where these phenomena are punishable, criminals may renounce their beliefs.
Keywords: ethnic; ethno-religious; fanaticism; extremism; Nazism; ethnic and ethnoreligious conflicts; ethnocriminology.
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