Types of Forensic Methods for Investigating Crimes Committed in Penitentiary Institutions by Degree of Generality
Akchurin A.V. Types of forensic methods for investigating crimes committed in penitentiary institutions by degree of generality. Penitentiary Science, 2022, vol. 16, no. 2 (58), pp. 176–184. doi: 10.46741/26869764.2022.58.2.007
Introduction. Тhe article is devoted to the analysis of types of forensic methods for crime investigation (case study of crimes committed in penitentiary institutions), their systematization according to the degree of generality of the relevant methodological recommendations. Problems of forensic support for investigation of crimes committed in correctional institutions and pre-trial detention centers were firstly addressed in the mid-1960s. A little later foundations of the forensic methodology for investigating such crimes were formed. To date, there is a certain number of methodological recommendations. Purpose: to generalize and systematize previously developed methodological recommendations of the subject area and create theoretical foundations for further evolutionary development of the methodological and criminalistic provisions for investigation of penitentiary crimes. Methods: dialectical method of cognition, general scientific methods of analysis, generalization, systematization, interpretation, and theoretical methods of formal and dialectical logic. Results: on the basis of a scientific approach, the author reveals types of forensic methods for investigating crimes committed in penitentiary institutions and proposes their system according to the degree of generality. Conclusions: to date, forensic knowledge contains a number of developed (improved) individual methodological recommendations for penitentiary crime investigation (related to the specifics of the criminal’s personality, methods of crime, stage of investigation, etc.), private (specific) methods, and a general methodology for investigating crimes committed by convicts in correctional facilities. It is required to develop a concept for investigating crimes committed in penitentiary institutions in order to further improve theoretical foundations and applied aspects of the subject area, forming starting points for subsequent creation of a general (group) methodology for investigating crimes committed by persons held in pre-trial detention facilities, as well as development of new and clarification of existing private methods.
Keywords: crimes committed in penitentiary institutions; forensic methodology; investigation of crimes; correctional facility; pre-trial detention center; convict; suspect; accused.
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