Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
Problems of unification of the military-criminal and procedural legislation in the XIX – early XX centuries
The subject of the study was the theoretical and applied issues of the formation of
military-criminal and procedural legislation of the XIX - early XX centuries. The purpose
of the work is to give an objective description of the processes of unification and
differentiation of the relevant branches of the criminal cycle law.
In the work methods traditional for legal research were used: dialectic, induction and
deduction, systemic, comparative legal.
According to the authors there are three ways to systematize legal norms developed
by legal science and used in Russia in the 19th century. The first and easiest way to
combine disparate legislative acts is that acts published at the same time are collected in
one edition in chronological order according to the time of their publication. The second
method is a systematic presentation of existing law with the division of norms by branches
of law and further by parts, headings, sections and other structural elements, relevant
legal institutions and relations. This method is called incorporation. The third, highest,
stage of systematization of legislation was considered the codification process. The task
of codification was to unite the existing law on such fundamental principles that would
remain unchanged with subsequent changes and additions to the law in accordance with
the new needs of the state and society, without violating the logical structure and internal
unity of the existing legal system.
The results of the work became a scientifically based concept for the development of
intersectoral unification of the military criminal and procedural legislation.
Keywords: unification; differentiation; systematization; codification; military criminal and procedural legislation; set of military decrees
Professor of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines of the Law Faculty of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, Dsc. in Law, Associate Professor.
ORCID 0000-0003-1044-1697
, e-mail
Associate Professor of the Civil Law Department of the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, PhD. in Law, Associate Professor.
, e-mail
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