Theoretical, Legal and Organizational Foundations of Volunteer Activities in the Field of Social Adaptation of Individuals Sentenced to Non-Custodial Punishment in Russia
Babayan S.L., Ol’khovik N.V., Fadeeva S.A., Lakina I.A., Pitkevich L.P. Theoretical, legal and organizational foundations of volunteer activities in the field of social adaptation of individuals sentenced to non-custodial punishment in Russia. Penitentiary Science, 2021, vol. 15, no. 3 (55), pp. 502–511. DOI 10.46741/2686-9764-2021-15-3-621-627.
Introduction: the article investigates theoretical, legal and organizational foundations for participation of volunteers in the social adaptation of individuals convicted to noncustodial punishments. Aim: we review theoretical, legal and organizational foundations of the work of volunteers in the field of execution of sentences in Russia and foreign countries and show the prospects for their participation in the social adaptation of individuals convicted without isolation from society in our country. Methods: comparative legal, empirical methods of description, interpretation, theoretical methods of formal and dialectical logic, private scientific methods: legal-dogmatic and method of interpretation of legal norms. Results: in the life of those convicted to non-custodial punishments, volunteerism performs mobilization, regulatory, stimulating, communicative functions, as well as the functions of socialization and self-affirmation. Conclusions: we propose to supplement the list of activities in respect of which the federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and local government bodies approve the procedure for interaction between state and municipal institutions and volunteers, with one more type of activity such as assistance in the work of institutions and bodies executing sentences, participation in the reformation of convicts and their social adaptation. We substantiate the proposals on assigning the state authorities of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and local government bodies the obligation to provide organizational, informational, methodological and other support to the subjects of voluntary (volunteer) activities that promote the work of institutions and bodies executing sentences, to take into account the voluntary (volunteer) activity of the convicted person when determining the degree of their reformation, recognition of the active participation of the person convicted to noncustodial punishment in voluntary (volunteer) activities as the basis for applying incentive measures to such convicts.
Keywords: penal law; non-custodial punishments; the public; probation inspectorates; volunteers.
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