On Counteracting the Investigation of Prison-Related Crimes: Features of the Preliminary Stage
Akchurin A.V. On counteracting the investigation of prison-related crimes: features of the preliminary stage. Penitentiary Science, 2021, vol. 15, no. 2 (54), pp. 413–417. DOI 10.46741/2686-9764-2021-15-2-413-417
Introduction: the article analyzes the content and typical methods and ways that convicts, suspects, and defendants held in correctional institutions and pre-trial detention centers use to counter the investigation of penitentiary crimes. Aim: using the analysis of investigative and judicial practice for criminal cases initiated against persons who committed crimes while in custody or while serving their prison terms, we make an attempt to identify the most distinctive features of counteracting the investigation of prisonrelated crimes. Methods: dialectical method of cognition, general scientific methods of analysis and generalization, empirical methods of description, interpretation; theoretical methods of formal and dialectical logic. Results: using a scientific approach that highlights the preliminary stage of investigation of crimes, we reveal some typical counteraction techniques used by prison offenders. Conclusions: destruction, concealment, staging, and falsification are among the most popular methods used directly by offenders to prevent prison-related crimes from being solved. The indirect attitude of offenders toward counteracting the investigation of prison-related crimes is successfully implemented by creating a crowd effect, as well as using the media and the activities of human rights organizations.
Keywords: Prison-related crime; counteracting crime investigation; correctional institution; pre-trial detention center; convicted person; suspect; defendant
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