Some Issues in the Work of Probation Inspectorates Related to the Execution of Sentences in the Form of Correctional Labor
Tarabuev L.N. Some issues in the work of probation inspectorates related to the execution of sentences in the form of correctional labor. Penitentiary Science, 2021, vol. 15, no. 1 (53), pp. 185-193. DOI 10.46741/2686-9764-2021-15-1-185-193.
Introduction: we usethe analysis of official data and the results of our own research to identifymajor issues in the work ofprobation inspectorates aimed at executing penalties in the form of correctional labor. Aim: taking into account current practice of execution of punishment in the form of correctional labor, we formulate some organizational and legal proposals for supporting the activities of probation inspetorates, aimed at improving the effectiveness of execution of this type of punishment. Methods: generalization, comparison, dialectical-materialistic theory of knowledge, questionnaire survey, expert assessment, statistical analysis, comparative-legal method. Results: our proposals for changing the current legislation will help to enhance the performance of probation inspectoratesin their work related to the execution of sentences in the form of correctional labor as a real and in-demand alternative to incarceration. Conclusions: main reasons for insufficient labor involvement of convicts sentenced to correctional worksare as follows: probation inspectorates and territorial bodies of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia do not conduct effective preliminary work that wouldhelp to create favorableworkingconditions for the convicts in this category; cooperation of probation inspectorates with municipal authorities at various levels and with regional state authorities is at a low level; as a result, convicts cannot be brought to work in full; there is no legal mechanism to encourage employers to provide jobs to convicts; regional state authorities have yet to introduce appropriate changes to regional legislation so as to reduce the tax on profits of enterprises and organizations that provide jobs for those sentenced to correctional labor; probation inspectorates staff lack initiative with regard to employment quotas in institutions where prisoners work; the personality of a convicted person who is prone to committing crimes and other offenses has not been studied thoroughly. It is obvious that there is a need to develop a mechanism for legal regulation of the functioning of probation inspectorates in the field of execution of sentences in the form of correctional labor.
Keywords: probation inspectorate; correctional labor; convict; engagement in labor; quotas; tax benefits; interaction.
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