Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
Social adaptation of persons released from correctional institutions in assessing public, human rights and professional opinion
The article is devoted to the analysis of the results of sociological surveys of citizens,
representatives of human rights and public organizations, as well as employees of
correctional institutions conducted by the Scientific and Educational Yu. M. Tkachevsky
Center «Problems of Penal Law» of the Moscow State M.V. Lomonosov University in the
framework of a scientific study of the problems of social adaptation of persons released
from correctional institutions. There are considered the answers of the respondents on
the achievement of the goal of correction of convicted, social values that can ensure the
success of social adaptation, difficulties of social adaptation and measures to improve it.
The problem of social adaptation of persons released from serving a sentence of
imprisonment remains relevant and is caused by an unsatisfactory state of affairs in this
area. According to the respondents, material and spiritual values, the presence of which
is the basis for the social adaptation of those released, remain unchanged. At the center
of these values are family, work, housing. In addition the availability of material means
and friendly ties is of great importance for the social adaptation of former convicts, the
preservation (acquisition) of which must be given special attention in the law-making and
law enforcement activities of the state, public work and practical activities of correctional
Keywords: convicted; social adaptation; imprisonment; correctional facilities; public opinion; human rights organizations; public organizations; staff
Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Law Faculty of the Moscow State M.V. Lomonosov University, Dsc. in Law, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.
ORCID 0000-0002-9554-5438
, e-mail
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