Some guarantees of taking legal and informed decisions in the stage of initiating a criminal case
The scientific article is devoted to the analysis of the control and supervisory mechanism of the activity of the system of criminal justice authorities in the context of changes in the criminal procedural law. Reforming the supervisory authority of the prosecutor at the initial stage of the criminal process was aimed at strengthening the procedural independence of the investigator while simultaneously abolishing the functional duality of the prosecutor’s procedural position. The analysis of changes and additions to the criminal procedure law allowed to come to the conclusion that the result of the reform is not quite adequate to the goals set. The list of supervisory powers of the prosecutor was significantly narrowed, there was an obvious imbalance between the authority of the prosecutor and the head of the investigative agency with some of their duplication, what in our opinion does not allow the prosecutor to respond effectively to violations of law in the stage of initiating criminal proceedings. Under the existing conditions the role of judicial control over the activities of officials carrying out the verification of the statement (message) about the crime is increasing. In this article the parties to judicial review are analyzed taking into account the specifics of the initial phase of criminal proceedings, namely, questions relating to the range of persons who have the right to file a complaint in the manner provided for in Art. 125 CPC RF, as well as the subject of judicial control.
Keywords: criminal procedure; lawfulness; validity; initiation of criminal proceedings; prosecutor’s supervision; judicial control.
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