To the 300th anniversary of the Russian police (XVIII – early XX century)
the history of law enforcement agencies, the russian police is a part of the history of law and the state, the history of science. It can not be separated from the domestic history, the fates of police officers who honestly performed their duty, loyal to the oath, who served the russian people and the law.
at the International Congress of Criminalists (Switzerland), held in 1913, the russian police were recognized as the best in the world in the detection of crimes.
In the domestic police careful attitude to the traditions of selfless service is of great importance. the police officers were loyal to the oath and professional duty in the most difficult periods of russian history.
By the beginning of 1917 a professional, well-trained and equipped police force was established in the russian empire, which had highly qualified specialists capable of identifying and uncovering crimes of any complexity.
the text refers to the names of many russian police officers, reveals the facts and events of their service to the law. this study differs from other publications affecting the historical aspects of administrative law, the history of law and the state.
Keywords: history of law and state; national history; history of science; the Ministry of the Interior; police; militia; administrative law.
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